Saturday 12 January 2013

Just keep running...

Hi everyone!

My blog is about running, which is one of my favourite things to do!

I'm not the best runner but I enjoy it a lot. Over the summer and the past few weeks I've been going out running up to three times a week for about twenty minutes and running around 3-4km each time. I go the same route and my time has improved every run!

It's getting colder now so I haven't been going running much but hopefully I will be getting a gym membership and will be able to use the treadmill inside the gym.

One of my biggest lifetime goals is to run the london marathon, I've been inspired by the olympic athletes to run the marathon and also by my dad. He is in his 40's and over the past few years he has spent a lot of time training for triathlons. His triathlons is another story and I will make sure I write a blog about that soon so keep checking for that!

Anyway, my dad has inspired me with his dedication to the sport and as well as doing triathlons he has begun to venture out and do bigger things such as the Leeds 10K, Liverpool marathon and a half iron man as well as continuing with triathlons!

I would absolutely love to be able to do the London marathon as not only is it a great thing to work towards and achieve, it is in London, the capital of England. It is a huge event and thousands take part and I'd like to be one of them. I would also run for a charity and try and raise some money!

Thanks for reading, I hope you found it interesting and let me know what you think below.


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